
Archive for June, 2011

Indeed heaven and the highest heavens belong to the Lord your God, also the earth with all that is in it. Deuteronomy 10:14

Our Nation’s Pledge of Allegiance; The Pledge of Allegiance, includes the words, ‘One nation under God,’ except (apparently) when it is included as a part of NBC’s coverage of the U.S. Open Golf Championship. Shame on the National Broadcasting Company and those responsible for the omission; who do they think they are?

Do they not believe in God?

I don’t care what they believe nor does it matter; it’s every person’s choice to recite or not recite the Pledge as they see fit. However, NBC acting as a proxy for the United States Government (when they chose to use the Pledge in their promotion) had absolutely no right; legal or otherwise, to alter its composition. In so doing they essentially denied every God-fearing, American their right to freely choose. If this isn’t somehow a violation of the law of the land, it should be. Again, shame on NBC.

What does God think?

The incident begs the question, “Is our nation ‘One nation under God’ or isn’t it?” According to the Bible, not only are we one nation under God, but we’re one planet under God. Since our little nation is a part of the earth, we are therefore under God; we and the planet we’re riding on belongs to the Creator. Don’t believe it? It doesn’t matter—what we believe to be true cannot change the truth. God, among others things, is absolute truth; period.

The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters. Psalm 24:1-2

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National Day Calendar

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Overcoming The Times

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The Motherhood Marathon

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Mark 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Let's Talk Gospel

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Kendall Lyons

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The Master's Meadow

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Servants' Journal

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Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma