
Posts Tagged ‘division of motor vehicles’

So I bought a motorcycle a couple of weeks ago and the following Monday, title in hand, I ventured to my local (DMV) Division of Motor Vehicles. Things went a little south when the clerk handed me a piece of paper and told me the ‘seller’ had to fill it out and get it notarized as he signed the title in the wrong place. The bad news was that the seller left for vacation and would not be back for another week.

Fast forward – I met with the seller at his bank, got the paper notarized, and returned to the DMV today. Despite having all my paperwork in order, I had a feeling in my gut that it wasn’t going to go well. As it turns out my paperwork was not in order. The clerk advised me that I needed a notarized letter from the seller’s bank (in Texas) stating that he paid off his original loan in full. Thankfully, and because of my previous ‘feelings’, I had been praying for a calm spirit, regardless of whatever was going to happen at the DMV. Although being angry on the inside, I kept a lid on it. After going back and forth with the clerk for a minute, she said she would speak to her supervisor.

Miracle Number One

The clerk was with her supervisor for a good 10-15 minutes and I witnessed the supervisor on her computer and her phone. When the clerk returned she said that her supervisor called the bank in Texas and got the bank to agree to FAX over the required letter and that I should wait a few minutes. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the DMV, but they do not do this. Needless to say I was very grateful.

Miracle Number Two

A few minutes turned into an hour and the supervisor came out to speak to me. She apologized for keeping me waiting and said she called the bank back and it would take another 20 minutes or so. It turns out that the person who notarizes stuff at the bank in Texas called out sick. My heart dropped a little bit, but then she added, “The nice lady I spoke to on the phone would go to a neighboring bank and get the letter notarized there.” Amazing. I don’t know if your familiar with the bank, but they do not do this. Needless to say I was very grateful.

Miracle Number Three

Another half hour passed and the supervisor (Maureen is her name) came out again and said the bank in Texas was unable to FAX over the document (my heart dropped again), but quickly added that she accepted an EMAIL adding, “Which we never do – we never accept emails.” She beckoned me to follow her to the counter and a clerk would complete all my paperwork. Needless to say I was very grateful.


I recognize that technically these unusual events do not qualify as miracles, however it is my faith-based opinion that these were so much more than a string of favorable coincidences. In the two hours I sat at DMV, I prayed a lot, and not just for me, but for those also waiting in line to be served. I heard a few people be turned away (as I was initially) for not having the proper paperwork. In my prayers I also thanked the Lord for each mini-miracle as they occurred. I must also confess that God was doing a work on me, teaching me to be patient and stifling the anger that wanted to bubble up from deep within. I could argue that in that was a fourth miracle.

Anyway, and regardless if you deem any of these events as miraculous, I wanted to share this short testimony with you and to publicly give God the honor, glory, and praise He deserves. I felt His presence at the DMV and I suspect others did as well.

Pray without ceasing!

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