
Posts Tagged ‘Thursday’

I write about Jesus and the Christian walk. But if I want a lot of visitors, all I have to do is mention Oprah Winfrey, abortion, homosexuality, or for some strange reason, saxophones. It just goes to show ya that sin is more attractive to sinners than righteousness is. Oh well, be that as it may, today…I got nothin.

I woke up this morning, did a little ministry work and a little worship, but I never got around to opening the Word. As a result, there is no blog today. I was planning to unravel Psalm 51:4, but maybe I’ll get around to it tomorrow or Thursday.

Here’s the verse:

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done [this] evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, [and] be clear when thou judgest.

What are your thoughts on the verse?

If you give me something good (and brief), maybe I’ll use it.

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National Day Calendar

Fun, unusual and forgotten designations on our calendar.

Overcoming The Times

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

The Motherhood Marathon

Finding the humor, beauty, and purpose in the mess of motherhood

Greater Cause

Addressing Daily Issues From a Biblical Worldview

Disciples of hope

Living the hope that comes from Christ


Thrift Store Tripping and Frugal Living at its Best

In the Little Things

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The Perfect Dad

Every man dies. Not every man truly parents.


Mark 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Let's Talk Gospel

Christian Encouragement and Entertainment

Kendall Lyons

Writer, Cartoonist, Minister

God charts the road

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The Master's Meadow

Lush pasture, living springs, and marked paths

Servants' Journal

A blog about Christian life and Biblical teaching.

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma